Friday, 6 December 2013

Theresa Demario
When it comes to keyword density, many people think that there is some golden rule or a secret trick that works every time but unfortunately, that is not the case.

Matt Cutts from Google explains that the reality is that the first few times you mention a keyword in an article it definitely helps. Google goes “Ahah!  That’s what this article is about.” But it works on a curve and the more you use it, the more neutral it becomes and if you overdo it you might actually loose points and rank worse than before- even before mentioning the work for a second/third time.

Natural Keyword Density:
The trick is to include the keyword in the text in the most natural way possible. The text should be long enough so the feeling of it is not artificial. Cutts recommends you read it out loud or have someone else read it to you. Don’t try to get the keywords in as many times as possible because it will not work and it will make you sound like a complete moron.

When it comes to Search engine Ranking, each case is different and it depends on the area and how well other sites rank. The main principles are unchanged for all of sites. Cutts warns that If anyone tells you otherwise, please don’t fall for it because probably they will try to sell you keyword density software or a related service  or something similar.

So again, try not to worry too much about the density of the keywords, just have them there in a natural way and Google will pick it up without a problem. You will also give a better and more trust worthy experience to your readers who will certainly appreciate that you did not stuff your content full of  unnecessary extra keywords just for the ranking purposes.

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